<textarea class="textarea textarea-ghost" placeholder="placeholder"></textarea>
@!jrmc.form.textarea({ placeholder: 'placeholder', class: 'textarea-ghost' })
  • Handle: @textarea-ghost
  • Preview:
  • Filesystem Path: fractal/components/03-form/08-textarea/02-textarea-ghost.edge


Doc : daisyui textarea

Textarea allows users to enter text in multiple lines.

Class name Type
textarea Component For <textarea> element
textarea-bordered Modifier Adds border to textarea
textarea-ghost Modifier Adds ghost style to textarea
textarea-primary Modifier Adds primary color to textarea
textarea-secondary Modifier Adds secondary color to textarea
textarea-accent Modifier Adds accent color to textarea
textarea-info Modifier Adds info color to textarea
textarea-success Modifier Adds success color to textarea
textarea-warning Modifier Adds warning color to textarea
textarea-error Modifier Adds error color to textarea